
The Chair for Business Computing and Operations Research offers introductory seminars with different content orientations every semester.

Please note that the application process is regulated centrally by the faculty.

General information on the proseminars of the Faculty of Business and Economics can be found on the following page: Proseminare (

Proseminar - Projectmanagement

Project management represents the most important form of organization for companies. Within the scope of the proseminar, students are fully introduced to project management, as this topic is dealt with in depth in more advanced courses of the business studies program. This course is the only introductory course on this topic at the Schumpeter School!

Topics include:
- Definition of projects and project management
- Organs and competence regulation in the project organization
- Definition phase: from initialization to concrete project
- Planning phase: methods and instruments of project planning
- Realization phase: release of work packages, project controlling, documentation
- Closing phase: handover of the product or service and final documentation
- The work breakdown structure and its development with subprojects and work packages
- Schedule, capacity and cost planning as well as risk analysis
- Operational project management and controlling incl. appropriate use of IT tools

The aim of this proseminar is to introduce students to the process of independent scientific work. In addition, they will learn how to present the results of their work in front of an audience and how to overcome possible internal barriers to free speech. 

The seminar will be accompanied by introductions to the didactics and methodology of presentation, the execution of lectures and the use of the library as well as the specialized databases for topic-related literature research. 

NOTE: All classroom sessions will be held as block sessions at off-peak times during the week or on Saturdays. In particular, Dr. Kopetsch cannot realize regular appointments during the week due to his professional commitments.
If you cannot or do not want to participate during off-peak hours or on Saturdays, please choose another proseminar.

If you have any problems with the content or organization, please contact:

Lecturers: Volker Arendt / Gerd Kopetsch

Start: 09.11.2024, 10-14 h, M.12.25




 The date for "introduction to scientific work" will be announced soon. Room: M.12.25