Proseminar: Digital Transformation - Current Approaches and Challenges
General Information
In times of rapidly increasing digitalization, knowledge management in companies and the use of Internet technologies and concepts such as wikis, blogs, file sharing, etc. as components of integrated information systems are becoming particularly important.
Within the scope of the proseminar, students will work on selected application areas and their realization in computer-based, integrated information systems with a focus on knowledge management as topics. The topics will be selected function- and task-specific.
The goal of this proseminar is to introduce students to the process of independent scientific work. In addition, they will learn how to present the results of their work in front of an audience and how to overcome possible internal barriers to free speech.
The seminar will be accompanied by introductions to the didactics and methodology of presentation, the execution of lectures and the use of the library as well as the specialized databases for topic-related literature research.
NOTE: All classroom sessions will be conducted as block sessions at off-peak times during the week or on Saturdays. In particular, Mr. Lagnese cannot realize regular appointments during the week due to his professional commitments.
If you are unable or unwilling to attend during off-peak hours or on Saturdays, please choose another proseminar.
If you have any problems with the content or organization, please contact:
- Lecturer: Dr. Volker Arendt, Michele Lagnese
Start: will be announced soon
Further dates to follow upon request.