Combinatorial Optimization


Start: 10 October 2024


Monday, 14:00 - 16:00h, I.14.60 (I2)

Thursday, 14:00 - 16:00h, I.14.75 (I1)


Date: Wednesday, 14:00 - 16:00h, I.14.75 (I1)


All information about the course can be found in the Moodle course:

Registration key: CO2024


  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Bock
  • Cedric Leon Renner, M.Sc.



  • Linear programming
  • Duality
  • Complexity considerations (revised simplex, Dantzig/Wolfe decomposition)
  • The Hitchcock transport problem
  • The primal-dual simplex algorithm
  • Solution methods for shortest path problems
  • Maximum flow problems and solution methods
  • Alpha-Beta Algorithm
  • Integer programming
  • Matrix games

Qualification goals:

The aim of the module is to teach basic ways of thinking, contexts and techniques of operations research, which enable students to carry out targeted quantitative analysis and solutions to decision-making problems in business and administration.

Another important task of the module is to create the prerequisites for further scientific and practical work with methods and models of operations research.

Students model and solve business management problems with the help of linear programming; they acquire knowledge of the diverse possibilities of mapping decision problems with the help of graphs and are enabled to use effective instruments to solve associated network flow problems or path problems.

In addition, students acquire competence in solving integer problems.

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