Dr. Torben Kuschel

In begutachteten Zeitschriften, Sammelbänden, Monographie
- Kuschel, T.; Bock, S.: Solving the Weighted Capacitated Planned Maintenance Problem and its variants. European Journal of Operational Research, 272(3), pp. 847-858, 2019.
- Kuschel, T.: Capacitated Planned Maintenance: Models, Optimization Algorithms, Combinatorial and Polyhedral Properties. Springer, Schweitz, 2017.
- Kuschel, T., Bock, S.: The Weighted Uncapacitated Planned Maintenance Problem: Complexity and polyhedral properties. European Journal of Operational Research, 250(3), pp. 773–781, 2016.
- Kuschel, T.: Förderung von mathematischen Potentialen durch den Einsatz handlungsorientierter und aktiver Methoden: Ein Lehrveranstaltungskonzept. Schumpeter Discussion Papers SDP 2014-009, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2014.
- Kuschel, T.: Two-Commodity Network Flow Formulations for Vehicle Routing Problems with Simultaneous Pickup & Delivery and a Many-to-Many Structure. Reviewed proceedings of the conference MKWI2008: Mattfeld, D.C.; Günther, H.-O.; Suhl, L.; Voß, S. (eds.): Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme in Supply Chain Management, Logistik und Transport, vol. 5, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, pp. 153-169, 2008.
- Paulat, F., Kuschel, T., Näther, C., Praneeth, V. K. K., Sander, O., Lehnert, N.: Spectroscopic Properties and Electronic Structure of Pentammineruthenium(II) Dinitrogen Oxide and corresponding Nitrosyl Complexes: Binding Mode of N2O and Reactivity. ChemInform, 36(1), 2005.
- Paulat, F., Kuschel, T., Näther, C., Praneeth, V. K. K., Sander, O., Lehnert, N.: Spectroscopic Properties and Electronic Structure of Pentammineruthenium(II) Dinitrogen Oxide and corresponding Nitrosyl Complexes: Binding Mode of N2O and Reactivity. Inorganic Chemistry, 43(22), pp. 6979-6994, 2004.
Supporting information
Working Paper
- Rathjen, C., Kuschel, T., Bock, S.: Single-machine Scheduling with Shift-varying Processing Times. Wuppertal, 2010.
- Kuschel, T., Görtz, S.: The Sequence-Dependent Proportional Lot-sizing and Scheduling Problem with raw materials & backorders and a transformation into a Travelling Salesman Problem with Soft Time-Windows. Wuppertal, 2008.
- Kuschel, T.: Operations Research in der Supply Chain. Gastvortrag - Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, 2017.
- Kuschel, T.: Optimierung in der Supply Chain: Modelle und Anwendungen. Gastvortrag - Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, 2016.
- Kuschel, T.: Von der Theorie in die Praxis: Wie effiziente Supply-Chain Planung unseren Alltag beeinflusst. Gastvortrag - Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, 2015.
- Bauer, R., Göpfert, P., Kuschel, T., Bock, S.: A Tabu Search Approach for the Sequence-dependent Proportional Lot-sizing and Scheduling Problem with Backorders and Raw Material Availability Checks. Annual International Conference on Operations Research of the GOR (OR2011), Zürich, 2011.
- Rathjen, C., Kuschel, T., Bock, S.: Single-machine Scheduling with Shift-varying Processing Times. Annual International Conference on Operations Research of the GOR (OR2010), Munich, 2010.
- Kuschel, T., Bock, S.: Tabu Search and Lagrangean Metaheuristics for the Capacitated Planned Maintenance Problem. Session chair and paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS2010), Austin, Texas, 2010.
- Kuschel, T.: Lagrange-Heuristiken für das kapazitierte Instandhaltungsproblem. Gastvortrag - TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, 2010.
- Kuschel, T., Bock, S.: A Lagrangean heuristic to the Capacitated Planned Maintenance Problem. Annual European Conference on Operational Research (EURO2009), Bonn, 2009.
- Kuschel, T., Bock, S.: Solving the Planned Maintenance Problem to Optimality. Annual International Conference on Operations Research of the GOR (OR2008), Augsburg, 2008.
- Kuschel, T.: Two-Commodity Network Flow Formulations for Vehicle Routing Problems with Simultaneous Pickup & Delivery and a Many-to-Many Structure. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008 (MKWI2008), München, 2008.
- Kuschel, T., Görtz, S., Bock, S.: The Proportional Lot-sizing and Scheduling Problem with sequence-dependent and linked setup activities. Annual International Conference on Operations Research of the GOR (OR2007), Saarbrücken, 2007.