RAIBCOR seminar in summer semester 2024: introductory event on 26 April 2024, 10. a.m. (c.t.)

18.04.2024|08:52 Uhr

Dear students,

On Friday, April 26, 2024, at 10 a.m .(c.t.) in lecture hall M.12.25, the introductory event for the seminar "Recent Advances in Business Computing and Operations Research (RAIBCOR)" will take place.

We will present the topics of this semester. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and secure a topic directly. 

The seminar includes topics that can be credited to the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. The event is also recognized as a doctoral colloquium according to §7 (1) within the framework of the doctoral regulations of 09.06.2008 and 21.02.2013.

If you are interested, please register in the corresponding Moodle course, the registration key is RAIBCOR_SS24. Further information can be found on our website.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail (tmanske[at]winfor.de).

Best regards,
Your Winfor Chair team

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